100 baby challenge - Prom night

After multiple attempts at potions and being singed often, Quince went to the alchemy store to check for the imaginary friend potion, the one that would make Star a real person and found one

Star had looked at the bottle, looked at Quince and had taken a big gulp

And then... she was a real girl!

Star was pretty, without a doubt

Quince was stunned speechless, he had wanted this to happen so badly and now it happened! He didn't have much longer to mull over the moment because the school bus came for the rest of the kids

She took the time to aid Cosmos by helping Lupine learn to walk

They got a chance to talk when Quince got back, he couldn't shut up about how amazing it was to see her like this. He stammered out that tonight was his prom.

Even if she hadn't been to school as a student before, she had always been by his side during his education. She agreed to go with him

It was also the prom of Cosmos, but both Quince and Cosmos got in the limo before a picture could be taken of the three of them

It was quite the night of excitement, Cosmos was now official with Hannah. Quince and Star became romantic interests

When they came back, Quince held Star's hand and stopped her from going inside right away. He admitted to liking her a lot more than a friend, he wanted to go steady

She looked into his eyes deeply, let the smile curl up the edges of her mouth and said 'yes'

The perfect ending to the perfect night