100 baby challenge - part eighteen

Rose had invited Eni and the kids over for a get together for the birthdays of Iris and Amaryllis, but surprisingly enough Jarrod also had his birthday

Closely followed by Cale

That meant that all four of them were now adults, Iris had already spoken to her mom about moving out to live with Jarrod, Cale and Amaryllis so after they aged up they moved to their new house. They promised to invite Rose over when they were all settled in.

I only got a shot of Iris aging up, but vampire transformations into adulthood are so cool with the red transformation dust and the bats

I'm not sure how, but in all the aging up madness and the kids moving out, I missed taking a picture of Rose giving birth! She had two more twins that night. I also missed taking a shot of Jasmine's updated haircut, but here they are



And Lupine

Rose also had a birthday, she turned into an adult and got a revamped look

Rose had achieved her life time wish to have 5 children grow to teens (adults now!) and decided to buy mermaid kelp and the collection helper

Tada, Merlegs!

She invited over Isidro to get cozy with her 

He was human, so the hope was to have a merboo

In spirit of being a mermaid, they had a watery woohoo! 
With a baby jingle :)