100 baby challenge - Cosmos

 With all the other drama of the household, Cosmos had been largely forgotten. So to make up for that, here is an update solely dedicated to him

While the other kids had been growing up and moving out, Cosmos had spent an afternoon with Hannah, another one of Eni's children.

They went over to the alien household to hang out

Cosmos decided to impress her with his fine ballet skills 

Jumping, twirling, looking fab in his white suit

It worked! She clapped and smiled brightly at him

She invited him to a pillow duel

And he let her win for the most part

Cosmos has these fangs, I checked that his father was human and he is human, but he still has the mouth of a little were-sim.

They ended the night with giggles and secrets

Fast forward to present time, the day after Iris and Amaryllis moved out Cosmos had his birthday. He had been practicing his ballet as per usual

Hes become a handsome young man

He has also still kept his wolfy smile

He completely took over the training of his new little brother Lupine and his little sister Jasmine.
He taught them both how to talk, walk and use the potty. 

He also still hangs out with Hannah frequently