100 baby challenge - part thirteen

Amaryllis and Iris had been hanging out with Eni's kids when they had their birthday

Iris had grown up to be more rebellious while Amaryllis was more reserved and quiet

Proven by the fact she went straight to reading when she aged up! The alien twin boys, Jarrod and Cale also had their birthdays that evening

Cale became a victim to vampire hypotisim
"Get me a sandwicccccch"
"Yes mistress"

Clover had gone out to have adventures of his own, it seems he had taken a liking to a friend from his school, Orlando Romano

They spent the night together doing homework

And became best friends...

Before the night was over Clover had announced his romantic intentions and had asked Orlando to be his boyfriend. 

Which Orlando had accepted! A good night all and all

Now with a household of 5 teenagers, Rose was prepared for her next bundle of joy.