100 baby challenge - second generation - part five

In the middle of the night Tulip woke up... She knew it, she was pregnant!

The household was pretty managable, Ruby and Emerald were really good about doing their homework

And basically played amongst themselves for the most part

Everyone was pretty pleased about Pete, they played with him quite often

Tulip and Saffron had worked hard to skill Luna and Obsidian up, and finally when they were both ready Tulip threw a big birthday party. They got a chance to mingle with new neighbors and potential mates.

Saffron also got a chance to catch up with Vervain, who was doing well in the town and even was living with Bobo. Apparently Bobo had also found a way to come to town.

They all danced it up

Tulip got a chance to talk to a lot of different men, her charisma skill was going up rapidly and she was making quick friends of her guests

Finally the big moment came

 Obsidian was a serious young man

While Luna kept her more free spirited look

The household was booming with kids, there was always at least one kid up on a chair ruling over the court.

And even more kids were showing up to play after school

Funny enough it was her neighbor's kids who witnessed her birth to twin girls

Meet Pearl

And Amethyst, who kept her natural hair color that she had been given from her dad.