100 baby challenge - second generation - part three

Almost immediately after setting the toddlers down, Tulip gave Robin a call, she wanted to have a baby bump while raising the twins.

Robin was into it, they got cozy quickly

Emerald was a pretty sweet little man

Ruby already seemed to be spunky and a bit more tempermental

The twins were both watched by Uncle Saffron while Tulip kept her guest company

Baby jingle!

In the middle of giving out bottles of milk to his hungry relatives, Saffron felt an irresistible urge to go outside

Bright shining lights drew his attention and held him in trance

He had seen a space ship before because of all of his brothers and sisters that had been married to aliens, but never like this before!

No one was around to hear him scream as he was scooped up by a visiting alien

The alien set him back in front of the house, just as zombies happened to be crawling around. Saffron didn't remember what happened on his visit but he was pleased to be back.

Tulip took the opportunity to break up with Robin before he left for the night, he wasn't too pleased.

The next day was spent helping the twins learn their skills.

She also had a good round of morning sickness

Before the day was over she was aware that she was pregnant

Saffron had been looking different since his trip with the alien, heavier

He was a little uncomfortable with his new size, but he continued on as normal

It got to the point where he looked straight up chubby! He had never experienced such a sudden weight gain in his life. 

But it all made sense when she arrived! He had given birth to an alien girl

Meet Luna, their first cousin in Dragon Valley