Chapter 3

Needless to say it is hard to sleep with hungry eyes on you

When he woke up he had the unpleasant experience of dancing around zombies to survive

Zeke spent the night guarding his meal

They hadn't gotten much sleep so they took the time to relax, it didn't take long to teach Zeke to fetch, but the dog did have a bad habit of turning the game into 'catch me', Blue found the game of fetch went better when he played with two sticks, one to make Zeke drop the stick and the other to throw

It was time to better himself, Blue Berry took a trip out to town to learn how to garden, it was expensive but they gave him the supplies to get started

He found a local pool to take a dip in on the way back

He had been dreading actually meeting anyone but Francisca seemed pretty nice.
"Haven't seen you around, are you new?"
"Yeah... I'm new here, just getting... settled. My name is Blue, I have to um... Go to the washroom!"
"Uh, okay, nice meeting you."

He couldn't have made a better choice, the bathroom had pure bliss to offer, a shower.

Ooooooh yeah

Zeke was a bit territorial

He was also an older dog, days away from aging up to elder and his temper showed

"Stay off of my lawn punk!"

Overall, a good day, hopefully they would soon have a bounty of somewhat illegally planted fruit and veggies