Final chapter sadly

The new addition to the household took after her grandma! Cherry had bright red hair from the start

"Now say my favorite word, diiiiivorce"

While she was cynical of love, that didn't stop Mango from taking a quiet moment in the dark to reach out to an old friend

"Remember me Gustave? We had fun in france, would you like to come down for a visit?"

He was quick to come down.

Mango was particularly frisky with Gustave

Later that week Amki came to visit, to ask a favor...

 Old age had hit the alien and unwillingly she had been taken from earth

Leaving Khal all alone in this world, apart from his godmother, Mango.

Gustave almost fit into the family to well, him and Liang looked rather like long lost twins

Overall, life was good for Kiwi, motherhood suited her

Cherry turned into a spunky young girl

I'm sad to say that this is where the story of Mango and Kiwi ends, this picture is just one of the noticable glitches I experienced. The other one was that I can no longer invite foreign guests or make babies. The plan was for Mango and Gustave to have a child, hopefully a boy named Blueberry. Khal was one of my favorite additions to the story and would have been around quite often. Cherry had a lot of attitude as a baby and kid and I felt like she would have been quite the black widow.  

My game crashed completely shortly after Cherry aged up, so I have deleted the world, done some patching and I will start an individual story on the boards about
